Beat the Rainy Winter Blues

Winter in Oregon can feel like a long season. There are many comforts this time of year, like snuggling up by the fireplace, burying yourself in warm blankets, and drinking delicious hot chocolate. Even so, it can often feel like you’re stuck in a funk. It gets dark earlier, it rains most days, and it’s so cold! Combine all three of those, and that couch looks more and more inviting…

Rest assured, there are ways to beat the cold and keep your family active through these next few months! In this blog, we will talk about some ways to keep the body moving during this season and ways to stay safe and healthy while doing it.

First, let’s talk safety!

Prepare for the cold!

Bundle up in layers! It may be tempting to have your child wear one very heavy jacket, however, layers are a much better way to protect from hypothermia. It might be cold outside, but, inside that jacket, it’s really warm. Your child sweats…and if that jacket comes off when it’s cold outside, those sweat droplets can cool the body off too much and too fast, causing hypothermia. Wearing layers can allow your kid to take off the top layer only when they get too hot while maintaining appropriate body temperatures.

Use safety equipment!

If you plan to explore winter sports this season, make sure your child has the correct equipment. Check to make sure the equipment fits your child’s growing body. Ill fitting helmets can be just as dangerous as not wearing a helmet at all.

Prepare for the activity!

Get the body warmed up well before beginning any activity, but especially when out in the cold. Exercises as simple as jumping jacks, squats, or a light jog can be very quick helpful ways to get that warm blood flowing!

Now let’s get to the fun stuff!

Go outside!

It might be rare, but it does stop raining! Pay attention to the weather and take those rare opportunities to breathe some fresh air. Encourage your kids to take the dog on a walk, go to the park, shoot some hoops, play hide and seek, or just play with their friends! Embrace the season with winter sports, like skiing, snowboarding, hiking, or ice skating.

Try an exercise video.

There are a plethora of online resources available to encourage your kid to get some daily exercise! Some great ones are: GoNoodle, YMCA, CosmicKids, and Sworkit. And if these aren’t what your kids prefer, get searching on YouTube! Help your child find something that fits their interests.

Workout while gaming!

If video games are your kid’s bread and butter, encourage active video games, like Just Dance or Wii Fit. Not only can it be great family fun, it can be done from the warmth of your own home!
If board games are more your kid’s style, encourage an exercise or a dance break after a few turns. It can really liven up a sedentary board game.

Limit Screen Time
Especially in the midst of COVID-19, kids are spending significantly more time in front of a screen, nearly 7-8 hours per day! With school, television, tablets, and phones, it can be challenging to encourage exercise without technology. However, taking the opportunity to limit recreational screen time to no more than 2 hours per day. Without a screen, your kid is much more likely to engage in active play.

Variety is the spice of life…and kids need variety to figure out what they enjoy most! Help them by offering a multitude of activities to engage in exercise and physical play and they just might find something they truly enjoy. Plus, trying new activities as a family will not only benefit your kids’ overall health, but it can help fight those rainy, winter blues! Get up, get healthy, and stay active this winter!

Eugene Clinic:
84 Centennial Loop
Eugene, OR 97401
Phone: (541) 255-2681
Fax: (541) 255-3537

Clinic Hours:
8:00 to 6:00 Monday – Thursday
8:00 to 5:00 Friday

Corvallis Clinic:
375 NW Harrison Blvd.
Corvallis, OR  97330
Phone: (541) 255-2681 (Eugene)
Fax: (541) 255-3537

Clinic Hours:
8:00 to 6:00 Monday - Thursday
8:00 to 5:00 Friday

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