Speech Therapy

Benefits of Sign Language

When children are first learning to communicate, they may experience challenges or frustrations associated with making their wants and needs known. Until they develop the appropriate expressive language and motor speech skills required for fully expressing themselves, they rely on parents or caregivers to guess what they are wanting. This can lead to lots of “guess work”

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The Role of Consistency in Treatment

When children begin the therapy process, clinicians identify a series of goals to accomplish throughout the plan of care. Goals will vary based on the needs of each child. Rarely do any two children have the same needs in terms of frequency, duration, or length. However, one element that remains the same from child to

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Augmentative and Alternative Communication

Children who have significant difficulties communicating secondary to various syndromes, autism, or other diagnoses can sometimes go years without a reliable means of communication because it is often assumed that certain prerequisites are required for implementing high-tech, speech generating devices (SGD). Without the ability to communicate effectively, children and caretakers can become frustrated. There is

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Eugene Clinic:
84 Centennial Loop
Eugene, OR 97401
Phone: (541) 255-2681
Fax: (541) 255-3537

Clinic Hours:
8:00 to 6:00 Monday – Thursday
8:00 to 5:00 Friday

Corvallis Clinic:
375 NW Harrison Blvd.
Corvallis, OR  97330
Phone: (541) 255-2681 (Eugene)
Fax: (541) 255-3537

Clinic Hours:
8:00 to 6:00 Monday - Thursday
8:00 to 5:00 Friday

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